Fuel Availability

Duty-free Avgas sales suspended with immediate effect

Due to a recent advice notice from Customs and Excise, Sligo Airport can no longer offer duty-free avgas sales at source. However commercial flights can still claim duty at the rate of 23.237 cent a litre but this must be processed by the aircraft operator directly with Revenue.
(5th March 2013)

Fuel Prices

Valid from June 2024

International (per litre) Domestic (per litre)
Jet A1 €1.27 €1.27 + VAT
Avgas €2.50 €2.50 +VAT  Please note: The international rate only applies to commercial operators travelling outside the state
W100 Oil €13.30 €13.30

Please Note: The International Rate only applies to
Commercial Operators travelling outside the state.

Please check current NOTAMs for any change in fuel availability status at Sligo Airport.